MARK YOUR CALENDARS - First week of hockey dates.

November 3rd – Monday from 7-8 pm at the LGI in the main building.  Pre-Season Parents Meeting!  Strongly encourage ALL parents to attend!

November 9th – Sunday at 1 pm at Nauna’s - All varsity, junior varsity and freshmen who are trying out:  To encourage team spirit and to begin the season on a positive note, The Keller Family, with support from the Hockey Booster Club, is throwing a season opening luncheon.  All Players and Coaches are welcome to attend.  Please come dine with your team mates. RSVP to Janell Keller @  Thanks so much to the Keller Family!

November 10th & 11th – Monday & Tuesday - TRYOUTS – Be dressed and ready to skate promptly at 3 pm!  Bring own water bottles! MAKE SURE PAPERWORK AND IMPACT TEST are completed…

November 14th – Friday from 6-8 pm (after practice) in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Furlong Field House. All coaches, parents and players please join the Booster Club at the opening FACE-OFF PARTY!  Dinner will be served plus a short welcome from coaches and Booster Club information will be shared and volunteers sought.  Bring check books for Booster Club dues - $150 per player. (always something!)


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